Contest Winners!

This is a page for listing the winners of our past contests. :] This is also a page for telling us what gift you want, from the contest you won... So, when you do win a contest, come to this page and leave us a comment telling us what you would like to receive from our noob [Bloggy] based on the rules of the contest you won. Then we'll gift you whatever you'd like. Thank you!

Congratulations to those of you who won!
We will have more contests coming soon, so everybody keep checking this website/page for more chances to win something! Also, Big Thanks to those who entered all of our contests so far, and Sorry if u weren't a winner, but there's always next time! You never know ;] That's all for now! Thanks.

Contest number 5: Winner: Nancydp. Congratz! 

Contest number 4: Winner: Little Blue Dino. Congratz! -Closed-

Contest number 3: Winner: terry 911. Congratz!   -Closed-

Contest number 2: Winner: xBellalicious. Congratz!   -Closed-

Contest number 1: Winner: xClosedCoffin. Congratz!   -Closed-


  1. Gratz to all of you guys!
    ... more contests coming soon. :D

  2. Thank you very much! :D I love your blog! :D

  3. Your welcome! and thanks. ;D We love ur's also... its just that we've been so busy, we can't comment a lot. We can barely even go on the actual ourWorld... lol.
