
This is a page for extra's- like pictures/video's, lol.  
  Also, post comments please and tell us what you think of our pictures and such... (:
[Click on a picture for a bigger version]
 You guys know the New-ish Apollo items??! [get them before they're gone, btw!] Well, we think you can layer the fire! Look how many different colors I have on! Haha. xD Cool, right?
We think it looks pretty aweshumm... You guys should try it ;)

HappiiNess- In reverso ;D
HappiiNess and her bestie ;)
ll Emerald ll and HappiiNess as winter twinnies!
HappiiNess- Backwards feet?? Haha.
HappiiNess hugging Weatherby :) I wuv him.
xl 0pal lx pouring candy into the cauldroun.
xl 0pal lx was trick or treating. :D
The blue cow was stalking xl 0pal lx O____o Lol!
HappiiNess's fake wedding. :S
Ahahaha! The whisper says it all.
HappiiNess going to class ^^
HappiiNess's dance partay! *Ask her for reservations in her condo!*
xl 0pal lx in her Halloween costume! (Witch)


  1. I like all the photos:*:*:*:*:*:*:*
    You all are so sweet!!:D:D

  2. Thanks for like, the billionth time! haha. Much appriciated :D hahaha, my fave pic is that last one to the right. Its funny, haha. It made me freaked out and I was like, whaat??! If you want us to take some pictures with you and add them then add one of us on ourWorld and we can chat about it (:

  3. my fave is the first 1 it's soo pretty.i love ur blog u should add me my name is hotgirl843 :D

  4. Thnx! I'll add you on ourworld... :)

  5. thanks peacout! thats me in the first pic ;)
    and suree! i'll add u on ourworld :D

  6. Hey guys i want to know how you post pictures on your site pls tell me you guys are awesome sisters! a can't belive this you guy will be ruling over last cookie prettyy soonn :) so yea comment back because i really need too!

  7. thanks chichi! and umm, you just make a new page and click a little button that says something like "add picture" and then you just upload the ones u want! :D and wow! seriously?? thanks! haha, i doubt anyone can beat last cookie though :|
    umm, add me on ourworld (happiiness) and we can chat about this! its easier there :P

  8. and ur welcome peace :)
    plus, sorry for spelling ur name wrong on my previous comment, haha.

  9. :D thanks. haha, sometimes i type too fast and make mistakes...
