Thursday, August 19, 2010


Our 4th contest is almost over! We need more entries! We may have to extend the deadline if nobody else enters... sorry. For more information about this particular contest, just go to the "NEW Contest" tab. (On this blog)

~ ll Emerald ll


  1. Aww, sorry that I'm late at noticing the contest. D;

    It has passed the deadline too~ I wish I could've entered. v.v

    But nice contest! It's tough, but still cool! ;D

  2. Good news for you! We've decided to extend the deadline because not enough ppl entered yet, so plz try! We'd be really glad if you did :)

    ~ll Emerald ll

  3. Oh wow, that's a relief! Thank you very much~ <3 :D I'll definitely try the contest. ;]

    Is the new deadline August 25th? I hope I won't be late again~ x3

    Thanks everyone, you're the best~ :D

  4. haha, your welcome!
    and yes, that is the new deadline... (: we didn't have that many entries, and we needed time to add-up the scores so we made it 5 days longer... :D wish u all good luck!!

  5. The contest officially ended now! Haha, thnx for the entries ppl! :)
