Monday, September 20, 2010

Small Update details

So, the new updates came out today! Personally, me and my sisters love em! So cheap. :D Haha, but anyways, we noticed some other small updates that you might not have noticed:
They made the chat log go in front of peoples profiles now, instead of behind so you can still see what people are saying to you. Also, they made some old items like these, super rares. BUT, someone told us that they might be changed back to only rare soon. So don't get your hopes up too much that they will be worth a lot! Lastly, the Residency Passes (some more details) they DO NOT give you the gems that regular Residents get. But, they do give you access to selling in the marketplace, going to the dungeon and winning prizes, getting the Free monthly item, etc... Here are some pictures:
1. The Chat Log

The Super Rares

The Residency Pass Info.


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