Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Haunted House Mystery Box and more... (long!)

The front/outside of the haunted cabin!
Kay, so as you've probably noticed... I'm the one who's mainly blogging these days. Yeah, that's because my sisters have a lot of homework all the time... So, I'm basically taking over for now. BUT, next week is Fall break for us, and you know what that means! Its almost Halloween!!! The new Haunted house mystery box came out today, and I don't know about you but I am definitely making a Halloween themed condo. The October monthly item is even out soon, and its awesome! That's why I'm also becoming a Resident (by the pass) during October!
The back/outside of the haunted cabin!  
This is the inside of the new October monthly item, the haunted cabin! Its like having another room in your condo!

Also, you guys heard about Battle craft before, right? The new update that MIGHT be coming out soon where you "fight" with other players to potentially win rare and super rare items! Its awesome, and they already have the designs for the starter fighting outfits for when the updates come out! You either start with The male/female Warrior outfit, or the male only Mage outfit. The outfits even come with wolf sprites that are like your little side-kicks!

The new designs for the Halloween islands!

The Boardwalk

The Pier


Electric Ave.


Beat street

Sugar Star preview

Note: Nevermore- its already scary enough, so they don't have to change it.

Baskets for Trick or Treating! So, trick or treating in ourWorld is going to be back this year! For the people who weren't playing last year, you click on Zoe, Azia, etc and they will have a basket of candy next to them.When you click on them, you will either receive a temporary candy from the store, or if you get lucky, a permanent one! For FREE! Awesome, right?? Btw, you can use either basket... If you have the one from last year, that's fine. Or, you can buy the new vampire bat one. But, you need to have a basket to be able to trick or treat, but they only cost about 5 (maybe 10) gems.
The new basket design for 2010!

Last years basket design! (2009)
.....and lastly, the new login screen for the month of October!  
~Thanks to Ck's OurWorld guide for info on the new updates! and special thanks to for the awesome pictures!

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